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Services We Provide 

At Weapons Grade, we are able to offer many guitar related services alongside our bespoke instruments. 

We're friendly, knowledgeable and keen to work with you, so please get in touch if we can help! 

Sheet Music and Guitar

Guitar Repair

If it's broke, we'll fix it! In house we can

tackle most any repair you can think of, from electrical circuits to head-stock breaks.

Example Prices:

- Headstock break (£150)

- Fret Spot Level (£50)

- Fret Dress (£100)

- Acoustic Bracing Repair (£200)

Guitar Player

Guitar Set Ups

Want your axe playing at its best? Bring it in to us and we'll set it up to perfection! Our set ups include a deep clean, electronics check, fret polish, fingerboard conditioning, neck adjustments, nut adjustments and intonation .

Example Prices:

Standard (£45 + Strings)

Floyd/Locking Trem (£65 + Strings) 

Electric Guitar

Guitar Refinishing

Did your guitar take a bad fall? Maybe the colour just doesn't match you anymore? Maybe you want your guitar to look like our striking Ember Finish? Whatever the case, we can refinish your axe in our in house spray and paint booth! Contact us for a quote! 

Electric Guitar


We can re-fret, level, crown and polish any guitar imaginable. This includes a full Set-Up and a new bone nut too!

Example Prices:

Standard Nickel (£140)

Bound Fingerboard Nickel (£190)

Stainless Steel (£300)

Stainless Steel Bound (£400)

Guitar Close Up

Custom Cut Nuts

We'll create a new nut for you, either from bone or graphite. This includes a Set Up of your guitar! 

Example Prices:

Handcut Bone (£50)

Handcut Graphite (£60)

Repairing Tablet

Electrical Work

New pickups? Different configuration? Scratchy pots? We can do it all. From installing new pickups including new body routs, to a full acoustic guitar conversion, we have you covered.


Get in Touch!

35-37 Tavistock St, Bedford, MK40 2RB


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